"His Sins" is a captivating novel about how some decisions have the capacity to withstand lifetimes and generations. We follow one man's decisions and see how the ripple effect lasts generations affecting not only his children, but his children's children, and their children also. It makes us think twice about the lives we lead, and the intentions we hold dear to our hearts. It warns us of our motivations and how they not only affect our own individual lives, but also the lives of those we love most, and even the lives of those we will never meet. "His Sins" makes us remember that what we do is important, and what we feel is even more so.
Helen Edwards, M.Ed., Mental Health Therapist
Quote by Thich Nhat Nanh, Vietnamese Monk
If you look deeply into the palm of your hand, you will see your parents and all generations of your ancestors. Each is present in your body. You are the continuation of each of these people.
Summaries and Previews are available for my first fiction novel entitled "His Sins", a three generation family saga as well as for my first non-fiction book entitled "Rollercoaster Ride With Brain Injury (For Loved Ones)". My third book, 'Life's Challenges, A Short Story Collection' is also available. All of these books can be ordered through my blog or by e-mail at: writesylvia@shaw.ca or orders@trafford.com
Books By Sylvia
'Rollercoaster Ride With Brain Injury (For Loved Ones)' is a non-fiction book detailing the first difficult year following a brain injury written for the survivor and family members. It was written to help those experiencing a similar tragedy realize they are not alone. ISBN: 978-1-4251-6964-0
'His Sins' is a fiction book telling the story about how the actions, anger and bitterness of one person affected future generations. It is about families and relationships and the power of the human personality. ISBN: 978-1-4269--680-0
'Life's Challenges, A Short Story Collection' contains twenty-one stories. All stories are written about the unique relationships between people and the diverse situations in which many may find themselves. ISBN: 978-1-4669-3864-9
'His Sins' is a fiction book telling the story about how the actions, anger and bitterness of one person affected future generations. It is about families and relationships and the power of the human personality. ISBN: 978-1-4269--680-0
'Life's Challenges, A Short Story Collection' contains twenty-one stories. All stories are written about the unique relationships between people and the diverse situations in which many may find themselves. ISBN: 978-1-4669-3864-9
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